Green Mentors is a non-government responsible education solution provider organization with special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Green Mentors is also a partner of UNESCO’s Greening Education Partnership: getting every learner climate-ready.
Green Mentors is a team of experienced individuals who provide guidance, support, and expertise to schools and Universities seeking to enhance their knowledge and understanding of sustainable and responsible education. These mentors deeply understand greening education, curriculum, pedagogies, and resources and possess specialized skills and expertise in areas such as the Net Zero campus. Green Teachers Training, Green Games, School Accreditation, and Global Collaboration.
Green Mentors work closely with their mentees, offering advice, sharing insights, and helping them develop practical strategies for integrating sustainability and responsibilities into teaching-learning practices.
Green Mentors provides guidance on implementing greening education in Schools and Universities Navigating sustainability challenges. Making informed decisions that align with environmental values.
Green Mentors is humanizing and climatizing global education by bringing five elements of nature into every learning space.
Green Mentors is creating a sustainable future for all through the power of responsible education.
Green Mentors encourages learning spaces to achieve Global Readiness in Ensuring Ecological Neutrality and certifies them as Green Schools or Green Universities.
Accredited Green Schools and Green Universities prepare students to take on the 21st-century challenges of climate change -the most severe threat to humanity.
Green Mentors offers comprehensive solutions for all teaching-learning challenges to every Nation, State, School, and University by providing a Green Curriculum, Green Teachers, Green Games, Green Auditing, and Accreditation of Learning Spaces.
Green Mentors is also a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education ( AASHE)
Green Mentors intend to make every School and University Accountable to the future of
Pupils and the Planet. We also intend to build a sustainable future for all through
Responsible Education.
Virendra Rawat conceived its Green School concept in 2010 and established its first
Green School in Gujarat, India. Green Mentos was formally incorporated in 2017 by
Virendra Rawat with three other social entrepreneurs i.e. Gopal Goswami, Ambrish
Parajiya, and Bhavesh Hakani and achieved special consultative status with the ECOSOC
of the United Nations in 2021.
Today we have accredited 2000 Green Schools, 200 Green Universities, 50000 Green
Teachers, and 20000 School Leaders in more than 40 countries.


Virendra Rawat is a responsible education crusader who received many Awards and
recognition for originating Green Schooling and Responsible Education for the
Sustainable Future Worldwide, including UNGA Award 2019 in the United States.


Ambrish Parajiya



Gopal Goswami


Bhavesh Hakani


Having special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of
the United Nations and a list of National, Regional and International Governments and
Non-Government Organisations, including United Nations Agencies, makes Green
Mentors an organization of International repute.


Cultivating Sustainability for a Shared Future
A Vanguard of Sustainability in Higher Education 
Empowering Educators for a Sustainable Future
We Mentor National and Regional Governments to frame sustainable and responsible
education policies and frameworks.
We also Mentor Schools and Universities towards driving their responsible education journey.
We also provide Green Teacher Training and certify teachers as Global Green Teachers.


Empowering Learners for a Sustainable Future.
We offer Green Auditing of Schools and Universities and certify them as Accredited
Green Schools and Green Universities.


We offer the Climate Olympiad and Green Story Contest to enhance the climate quotient of
students. We also offer Green teaching challenges for teachers to enhance the joy of teaching.


We host our Annual Green School Conference during the United Nations General Assembly with
Climate Week NYC every year on September 24 in New York City to bring school leaders together
to explore the future of responsible education.
We also host the World Education Forum with the Davos Congress that hosts the World Economic
Forum to bring Entrepreneurs and Educators together to create the path of a Greener Economy


We have established Indo- American Green University Network, Indo- American Green
School Network, and Indo- American Green City Network to explore the solutions for
sustainable education and a better and lighter lifestyle.


We provide all Green resources to the schools that intend to Go Green.


Green Mentors co-creates responsible solutions with  Schools, Universities, Research
Institutions, Non-Government Organisations, and National, Regional and Local
Governments in the areas of Policy Framing, Sustainable Solution Sharing, Green
Accreditation, Curricula, Green Teachers Training and Accreditation, Contest/
Challenges  Green Conference, Seminar Workshops and many more worldwide.
List of a few co-creators with whom we have created and tried to create sustainable
solutions to diverse challenges.


A glimpse of the recently concluded 7th NYC Green School Conference 2023 held on Sept 15,2023 at ILR, Cornell University, New York, United States

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B-802, Mondeal Heights,

Near Wide Angle Cinema,

S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad – 380 015

Gujarat, India

Contact: +91 79 49000160




67 W Street,


New York -11222

Contact: + 17186733942



Green Mentors is a non-government responsible education solution provider organization having special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.


Copyright © 2021 Green Mentors. All rights reserved.